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ENGLISH DOCS FOR THIS DATE- 3GA Criss Cross Data (SHSBC-231) - L621025 | Сравнить
- 3GA Criss Cross, Secondary Prehav Scale (SHSBC-232) - L621025 | Сравнить

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A lecture given on 25 October 1962 A lecture given on 25 October 1962

All right. This is lecture two, Saint Hill Special Briefing Course, October

Thank you. It has become damp. The English weather has turned into unusual California weather. Used to have a secretary while I was working down in Hollywood for films. Studio would send her over every morning. Route me out. She'd come in. She'd open up the blinds. She'd look outside. She'd say, "My! What unusual weather!" see. This kept up for about two months. So, one day she came in and she opened up the blinds, and she looked out - and before she could speak, I said, "My! What unusual weather!" She applied for a transfer to some other writer. I can tell you that as a story, Suzie isn't here yet.

25, AD 12.

Anyway, this is the what of what?

Now, the experimental material - I've given you very factual material so far in this lecture series tonight. The experimental material consists of. - How do we find an entrance to this channel that leads to the Rock and the goal.

Audience: 25 October.

Now, we should recognize that the pc will very often conceive he has seen and blown the Rock because he has seen a couple of dumbbell - you know, these two spheres fly off. Very often these spheres fly off and he doesn't even observe them because he's inside the mass and there's an impenetrable barrier between himself and the outside of the mass. These things very often fly off the outside of the mass and he doesn’t see them, but he happens to be located in a fortuitous position and he sees a pair of them blow off. Well, he's already progressing very well down the channel if he sees this phenomenon. And they - nobody has reported to me watching the Rock go, which I consider is very interesting that no report has existed on it and that is why you’ll find me continuously working with lines and telling you that you have to finish off clearing. You see? Because there's more there to blow.

Twenty - five - 25 Oct. AD 12. This is the month, with the thermonuclear in it.

Now, you should recognize this channel on your meter, looks like a whole series of rock slams of high agitation, but in actual fact is not a series of rock slams. That's just your meter manifestation, don't you see?

Well, this first lecture here is an experimental approach to 3GA Criss Cross, and accumulated data on 3GA Criss Cross, and I have awfully, awfully, awfully good news for you. I have made a breakthrough, I think, which you will find very, very interesting. And if this works out uniformly - which I have no reason to believe that it will not - it will be a simple method of an assessment on a couple of lists, and you’ll have your first item with a crash on the pc. That's interesting, isn't it?

It's a whole series of these dumbbells, you see, with their opposing forces.

Audience: Yeah.

It's a whole series of these things, don't you see? And looking at them in proportion as you would go down, they are not inverted and getting smaller; they are in actual fact getting bigger. See, they're not growing as you process the person, they simply - the earlier it is on the track, the bigger they are. You see? So you enter it, blowing small pairs, and wind up blowing big ones. See?

I don't know why you should be so lucky as to have me around, but there it is.

Now, it requires - it requires a pretty good faith in the auditor on the part of the pc in order to list.

Now, the rock slam was called a rock slam because it was obvious that the first item on the pc's track was an item with which the pc had a very large confusion. It was the first thing that he used to help with or to get help with or something of this sort. And it was called the Rock. And it's actually original definition, I believe, was that it was the first mass that he attributed large significances to.

Why? Well, actually, the pc´s ability to confront is: pc plus auditor versus the bank. I give you The Original Thesis. And when you've got the auditor plus the bank versus the pc, he's got too much to confront in present time and he doesn't do any confronting.

Now, we were clearing people by merely clearing out of the road the Rock. Now, that was done exclusively with Help Processes on about a 5 - way bracket. And we did make some Clears - people that went free needle and proper point on the tone arm, and felt wonderful, and so forth. Just by this process of assessment for the Rock.

The length of time in listing is directly - inversely proportional to skill of auditing. In other words the greater and smoother the auditing skill, why, the less time, theoretically, it would take in listing, because the pcs ability to confront is rising because he feels safe and able and so forth, under the guidance of this auditor. Therefore, you never jump a pc; you handle the pc very smoothly and very permissively in listing, particularly.

Now, I noticed in doing the research work on this, that the road to the Rock was accompanied with a very peculiar agitation of the needle. And no other word or name had been given this agitation of the needle - which went left and right and back and forth and so forth - and I gave it the term "rock slam," because it's certainly a slamming needle. Its going to the left and to the right, and back and forth in a high degree of agitation.

Too overwhelming an auditor activity while trying to find items at the beginning of a case, of course, will seal off finding any items.

Now, that phenomenon is an extremely, basic phenomenon in clearing. And as you can realize the number of stable Clears that were made in earlier years must therefore be very close to zero. We’ve made temporary Clears lots of times. We've - people have hung on quite awhile, and all that sort of thing. But stable Clears, no. You see. And that is our target. Somebody who will simply get that way - and stay that way along the line.

Now, that is said with reservations because when YOU think of this, most of you right here, right now, have an adequate auditing presence and - of the pc in order to achieve this fact. I'm not talking about anything that is totally beyond you. But, the better your auditing presence and ability to handle the pc, the easier it is for the pc to find items. Don't you see? Because you see, his ability to confront is raised by the fact that somebody's helping him confront.

Well now, obviously a person who was a Rock Clear - that is you could get down to their Rock, and blow their Rock - still wouldn’t have knocked off all of the GPM. Because underlying that Rock was a goal. And between that first - that ACC in which that was taught - was that the twentieth?

Now, help very easily goes on an inversion. It gets covert help which is actually destructive. There's real help high on the scale and of course like all things it has its lower - scale mockery. You see this in psychoanalysm. You do. That's a lower - scale mockery of help. They tell the person all about it. They're helping him out all right - only they don't see this as anything bad, that's just a built - in procedure. Well, we know that's quite destructive. That's evaluation and so forth.

Audience: Yeah.

So the pc has really got to be helped. In other words he's got to be guided into areas where he can confront things and find out what they are. He's got to be guided into areas where he can confront things and where he can find out what they are. But he's got to be guided into those areas - not shoved, - beaten, pummeled.

The 20th ACC, and sometime, just before I - it was about the time of the South African Congress, I integrated goal as the underlying thing, below the Rock. Now, this broadened out clearing considerably. You see. Now you have a whole channel of pertinent terminals, of various kinds - things that the pc has been - and then this goes down to the earliest been - ness - which is the Rock, see. But underlying the Rock we find the goal. You get what the anatomy is. You can draw yourself a little channel here very, very easily, and you would see exactly what we are looking at here.

Now, what area are you guiding him into? You're guiding him into this channel toward the Rock when you're doing it by rock slam. You're just guiding him in that direction and he goes in that direction.

And these data are very hard to come by, by the way. Here is your - here is the way it might be said to be. There's the Rock at the bottom, here. And then, here's the goal. Now, you see that? See, there's some sort of a channel of livingness which comes down this long line and gets to the Rock and there's the goal. All right.

And the first items you get are not the biggest items of the bank, but they're the items that the pc finds it feasible to confront at this particular time. At this stage of his case he can confront those items.

Now, the goal then lies earlier than the Rock. But the Rock is the first big mass that occurs after this fact. And of course, up this channel of livingness we have all sorts of small valences, you see, or repeating valences. And what I didn’t know at that time, and which I found out about the middle of last year, is you actually have two valences like this - one whose force is that direction, and one whose force is against it in that direction. Looks like a dumbbell.

Now, you find one item, he's finally - says, "Ha - ha! What do you know!" you know? Part of his cognition, which he never speaks, is, "Hey, you know, I can look at this and think about it, you know?" It's a locked out area. It's been a locked out area to him. And he all of a sudden finds, "Well, hey, what do you know! I can get into that valence; I can look at that valence. Ha - ha! It isn't as dangerous as I thought." And that's sort of part of his cognition. So he tells you all about it, he's very interested in it, you know? "Here I am, standing in the middle of this powerhouse with a million volts flying all around me and look at - look - look at me, I can talk to you and I can think in here. Ha - ha!" You know? There's a bit of triumph involved in this. Don't you see? Because always before he has established this item at the level of reality. His last intimate acquaintance with this item was a dim memory of how awful it was in real life. So therefore, he doesn't want very much to do with it. Now, he finds that the item can be confronted in the bank, just as you get somebody - you start him in through the beginning of the engramlet me put it this way - start him in at the beginning of the engram and he - he protests, "Heh - heh - heh - heh - heh. Go through that - oh, no, man! Go through that opera - . Oh, no! Ha - ha - ha, not me! Uh - huh, not me!"

Every once in a while pcs run into these things and they say, "Ron, how did you know?" Well, I looked. And anyway, the - this thing is the basic unit anatomy of the GPM. You have mass A versus mass B. And they are impinged on each other and one is a terminal and one is an oppterm. Referring you to last Tuesday night's lectures.

And it takes a little bit of skill to get him in there and get him going through this thing. And he runs through it and the somatics run off and you do a smooth job of auditing, he eventually winds up, "Ha - ha! What do you know! That wasn't anything." You know, got the somatic, confronted the thing, gee, what do you know! You get the reaction, as you - you probably had this. Ask somebody to look at something in the bank and they say, "Oh, I'm not so sure about that. Oh, no way." Most pcs you get are that way about their whole ease. See?

Therefore, the Rock must have another Rock. Get the idea? The Rock's got another Rock. Now, you have to ask this question about the GPM, see. "How come it stays in place?" "How come it stays in place?" "How come it stays suspended in space?" "In time?" "How come it stays with you?" Well, it Must be very carefully balanced against an opposing force. And hence we get this word, Goals Problem Mass" heard relatively a few months ago. Last autumn, I think.

So you, the auditor, are overcoming this first reluctance and that is the highest level of your skill - overcoming that first reluctance to look.

Why Goals Problem Mass? Well, it is that mass which results in the problem of the terminal versus the oppterm - as a result of the pc having postulated a goal. Now, this interesting proposition could be offered, and we could say that that's how it hangs up so delicately in space. I worked this out synthetically, you know, just on asking this one question of how the devil does it stay there, you know? And it has to be opposing forces, which are in balance with it for the thing to stay in place. So we have these two dumbbells, one against the other - repeated many times in the bank - but each one of them held in very, very critical balance.

There are all sorts of gradients we've had in the past on this. We stress this much harder in the past than we have these days. We kind of take it for granted that an auditor will be able to persuade somebody to look. But actually, there are all kinds of mechanisms which - you can do this.

The one thing that is missing in Newton's laws in the field of physics that no physics professor - and I think there must be hundreds of thousands of them lecturing on physics throughout the world - has ever seemed to have noticed. There's the law of comparable magnitude. And they violate this. They know them - the data is incomparable all the time, and they give you such an idiocy that when you stamp on the Earth, the Earth moves back to the degree that you move down, you know, relative mass, yes. Well, you know I’ve gotten out there and taken a look, you know, and it doesn't!

Remember "Look at me - who am I?” That was your first auditor process. "Look at me. Who am 7' And you get pcs that are having a bad time, why they eventually come up in their level of confront and they say, "Ha - ha! My auditor." You know, first recognition, you know? You were Aunt Grace and Uncle Bill and you were almost anybody. You were a policeman and God almighty - what you weren't! And then they eventually look at you, you know, and they say, "my auditor," and you thought that was a good time to begin the auditing session.

Now, we have the comparable magnitude of the overt. You consider it no overt to swat a fly. Yet flies swat you through disease and other vias, once in a blue moon - but you don't consider that a return of the overt. I don’t think that's much of a terminal - oppterm situation, you swatting a fly. You see, the law of comparable magnitudes is violated.

Actually we've undercut this in many ways. We don't demand that he confront the auditor by "Look at me. Who am W' We just sort of say, "Well, if you’ll not be too uneasy with me I will show you a piece of the bank you can confront." You see?

Now, Newton's three laws are only valid in the zone of comparable magnitude. For every action there is an equal and contrary reaction. Well, that isn't necessarily violated, because it does say "equal." But that in itself is the assumption of an absolute which makes the law, heh - heh - a little bit questionable. But, there's the law of acceleration, there's the law of inertia - the tendency of a body to remain at a state of rest or remain in a state of motion, don't you see. All these things are true unless you get forces which are too different - too far apart. You get the idea.

Now, what can he confront? Well, he’ll confront what he - what registers on the meter. It doesn't register on the meter, he wont confront it. Now, an example of this in your assessments, an example of this - and a very good example - is the fact that early in auditing your pc will put items on his list which turn out not to be the item. Has no cognitions or anything on it; they're just part of the list. And now we find an item, and then we find another item - we're still listing on more items, you see - and we get down and maybe with the third item or something like this, we find as one of the pcs items something he put on the first list. See? Now, this suddenly is his item, you know? "A black bear." He says, "Ha - ha! Black bear. Oh, yes! I was down in camp one time and I all of a sudden - so and so and so and so on, and yeahoh, they've been terrible to me - and so on, and that's probably why I have a craving for sweets, you know? I often think of that and I get - catch myself every once in a while doing this on tablecloths and that sort of thing. Yeah, it's probably right. A black bear. What do you - ha, well, a black bear - well, that's funny."

Inertia: The tendency of a body to remain in the state of rest. Well, I think, actually, when a cannonball hits a palm tree splinter, I don't think the palm tree splinter has any law of inertia. Get the idea? I mean, it has no tendency at all to remain at a state of rest. See, it'd be utterly unmeasurable. And it becomes idiotic, see. Drop the Empire State Building on a fly. You see, and then say the fly had a tendency to remain in a state of rest. These things become ridiculous, don't you see?

Why didn't this happen with the first list? You know, he put it down on the first list, didn't he? Well, why didn't we get it on the first list? No, we got something else. We probably got "a teddy bear." In other words, the more items we find the more the pc can confront. See, it's his state of mind versus the actual mechanics of the bank.

Now, the size of the basic Rock - - opprock is pretty darn big! And these things versus one another contain rather interestingly strong forces. Very strong forces. And they're studded. And pushed in against. And everything is smashed up together, of smaller pairs of these dumbbells. And there's smaller pairs of dumbbells and smaller pairs of dumbbells, and the further the thetan progresses in time - from the moment of the assumption of the Rock - then the less force or mass he has to have to consider it force or mass. His consideration of what is force and what is mass, deteriorates. So you get smaller and smaller and smaller and smaller dumbbells. See?

Now, many philosophic schools of the past have erred in trying to say that it is 100 percent state of mind and that there is nothing else. Well, where are these guys on the scale of confront? See? Well, let me tell you that these things are. They're not imaginary, they are. Don’t you see? One of your biggest arguments you will run into with some dean of psychology or something like this, when you're talking about it, is - his insistence on the imaginary character, what you're handling. The fantasy of this or "Hubbard's fantasies about these things" or something like that, you know? They're totally unreal to him.

They go from - well, you've seen somebody around, and you've swatted him on the back, you know, in a friendly gesture - you've patted him on the back, you know - just about hardly any - hardly even that, you know, and he says, "Oooww! God! I’ve broken my ribs!" You know. Well, a slice of carrot, versus a slice of cabbage would appear to him to be insurmountably great and powerful. You get the idea of the size of the dumbbell. It's declined. His conception of his own force, his ability to handle force, and so forth, and mass, has deteriorated. And it's deteriorated down to a point where the dumbbell at the top of this - if we consider that now - is almost microscopically small - one versus the other. And then as we progress down from the top toward this Rock, we get bigger and bigger dumbbells. A versus Bs, you see. Till we get down to the Rock versus the opprock and we've got it, see, and that's big.

Well, in the field of, well, Christian Science, gives you a ne plus ultra on this. Wow! "All is mind and it's nothing and the physical universe is nothing and there is no more of that." Don't you see? Well, look, look: the thing is, see? There is something in the bank. You see? It isn't that the pc gets afraid of biting it so that it bites him. If you were to shove him in at it hard, it'd bite. You understand?

Now, that tells you at once why, when you say to. somebody, "All right, that's your goal - well, why don't you just change your mind?" See, that's approaching clearing on a no - gradient. And he can’t do it. Why can’t he do it? Because his concept of force in the vicinity of the time he postulated this goal, envisioned something being pretty forceful before he would call it force. And now, he lets out a gentle sigh and thinks he is blowing a furnace blast, you see. So he can't face that much force. See, he can’t face this much force at once as is contained in the Rock - - opprock area which is much earlier in time. Do you follow that?

You got the same thing as when you shove somebody into the tiger's cage and he keeps - if you were of this extraction of thought, this just "all is mind and there isn’t anything else," you know, "there is no world; there is no mind; all engrams are really just imaginary. Ridges, you see, don't exist, these dumbbells Ron is talking about are just conceptual things." You get that, all that kind of thing.

So, you say to him, "All right. Blow the GPM. Thank you. Well, I guess you failed, huh? Heh - heh - heh!" Why can't he blow the GPM just like that? Well, it's a decline of force is the story as the eons have marched on - his concept of what is force has degenerated. In other words, he doesn't consider that that forceful. He doesn't consider ... Once upon a time he considered motion with an exclamation point, you see. Well, that'd be something on the order of a meteorite hitting a spaceship. He'd say, "Hey, pretty good! You know? Ha!" And now he dents the left fender of his car slightly, you see, and "Oh, my God!" you know. That's too much force, you see?

Supposing you had that frame of mind as you had this poor "Joe" outside of a tiger's cage? And you said, "Well now, I'm going to throw you in the cage."

So the reason he doesn't blow his goal instantly and at once is a very simple reason. The goal lies before and earlier than a higher idea of force. And he gets into that zone, and he can't tolerate that much force in that much area, so he - cannot confront it. He just can't confront that much force. "It's too much for me!" he says.

And he says, "You - go - gonna - go - gonna throw me in the cage?"

Now, you might be able to get the forces of this lifetime and audit them very easily. But as soon as you start chipping back about five or six lifetimes you start running into this phenomena. You know? I remember my idea of a good way to warm up was to take a horse like a Percheron, you know, and take ninety-eight or a hundred and ten pounds' worth of armor and take about a fifteen foot long ash spear and go out in the lists someplace, you know. And get this horse up to about thirty miles an hour, you know, and let him run head - on into another guy coming down the course in the other direction at thirty miles an hour. You know? That was a nice, quiet way to warm up!

And you say, "Yes, yes - it's merely illusion. Tigers are just illusion, you know? There's - they’re really not real."

Now, the reason why it was spectacular is the people in the grandstand considered that too much force for them. And the reason one was successful at it, is it did not exceed his idea of what was forceful. Because that didn't look like all that much impact to him. Why do you stop such a thing?

And he says, "Well, looks awful damn real to me!"

Well, after a few centuries of monkeying around this way, you pick yourself up off the ground and pick the hardware off of yourself, you see, and your head is ringing! You know, and you say, "You know, I'm just not the man I was once. I think I´ll take up judging these things," you see? See, you said, "That's too much force for me," you see?

And you say, "Well, just, just calm yourself now, calm yourself and just realize that if you have faith, you have faith, now, why you can just go into that cage, because you see, tigers really don't exist. You see, the bars here are just an illusion and so forth and I’m just going to open the door - and the door, that's an illusion too. And supposing you did lose a body, a body is just an illusion of one kind or another. So what are you - what are you raising so much fuss about?"

Once upon a time, this was almost a gag. See, that much foot - pounds of impact - well that was just a good way to warm up - you know? Yeah, make you feel kind of alive. And you deteriorate in your concept of that same thing of, "Good God! How can they stand up to it?"

And you finally sell this poor Joe, you see, on the idea that there is no tiger, there is no tiger cage, it's not dangerous, you get the door open, you pitch him in. There's a large snarl and a piercing scream. That’ll teach him to buy your brand of religion, you see? He got et. And somewhere up the track we find it as an engram. See? It even made a real engram.

Similarly racing. On this - at this time on this planet you have many of these ideas, in restimulation, and so forth. You've got racing. It's always coming as a surprise to somebody that he can't stand up to as much force as he thought he could. A ear hits a brick wall, or something like this, and he gets his wind knocked out. And the fenders get dented and so forth. He hasn't conceived there was that much force. Well, how does his idea that that isn't very fatal permit him to go into a race where that could be very fatal? Well, it's his misconceptions of the thing. He's measuring track by an earlier - track idea. Follow this?

Now supposing if he had an auditor sitting there, supposing this had happened to him, he'd been persuaded on the not - isness of it all, and supposing he came up the track and got audited by an auditor, said "Now, well, now, there really isn't anything in the bank and this is just illusory and there is - really isn't anything there that bites, you see, and you can go into this with perfect bravery, and because there's just nothing there, you see? That's all . . ." so on. You throw him into this thing over his head, with a terrible insistence that he do this, that, or the other thing - and it bites! Don't you see? And this disillusions him. He's got his second disillusion.

Now, in the Marcab Confederacy a racing car was a turbine - driven job and they went on for thousands of years. I think there was ten or twelve thousand years. They always had the same race ears, same races, everything. They didn't believe in progress. And they went about two hundred and seventy - five miles an hour according to our present standards. They went at a high whine. And they used to have casualties. Those things would go into a brick wall or one of the concrete ramparts or something like that, and they'd have a casualty. They'd have to take the pilot out and take him to the hospital tent. See, take the driver out of that and take him to the hospital tent to patch him up.

The truth of the matter is, the meter is your best sorting out mechanism of this. Your meter won't give you something the pc can't confront. Well the reason it can't give you - it won't give you something he can't confront is kind of interesting, because if he's not in the vicinity of it, it won't read. See, it's kind of an idiotic reason. You can't enter buildings unless there are buildings there to enter. Don’t you see? Well, you have a fair guarantee that the pc can walk in that door with impunity if it will read nicely on the meter.

Now, that is within the last forty thousand years. You get how rapidly one's concept of mass can deteriorate. Because - I mention that because some of you have got Marcab on your tracks. A lot of you people run into bits and pieces of the racetracks of Marcab. Well, take a look at it - at how much force, you see? Two hundred and seventy - five miles an hour in a turbine - driven car hitting a concrete wall and having to go to the hospital tent. Hundred and ten miles an hour - caroming off of a brick wall or a fence and getting buried. That's different ideas. See, it's a deterioration of the idea of force.

Now, a slam on the meter is the mostest confrontingness that he can do at the moment. So the first slam that you get on the pc is at one level of ability to confront the bank. Then you find a second item - that's another new increased ability, by having been increased by finding the first one and he’ll find a bit more, and the next one up the line he’ll find a bit more he can confront, don't you see? I mean, this new thing that he can confront is bigger and more beefy and more powerful than the first two, you see? And then the fourth one will be bigger and beefier and more powerful, you see. You see how it goes?

Now, that doesn't say that the thetan sometimes miraculously suddenly can’t regain his older ideas of how much force he can tolerate. But, it does say that on the average there's a general deterioration. So when you ask a thetan to go on the earliest track, find his goal, be right there at the point of his goal. "All right, now you see that, now just change your mind. Thank you," and it blows the whole bank - you see now why that doesn't work? See, you've asked him to go and climb in to a five hundred mile an hour racing car, hit a concrete wall and live. That's the way it looks to him. He says, "What! Ha - ha! Ho - ho! You silly? You must think I'm stupid!"

And it - this individual is actually increasing, and oddly enough he's being met halfway because the bank that's there to confront is decreasing. See? So it makes a very happy combination. Your pc doesn't have to grow nine feet tall all that fast. See? It's good enough to be six - foot tall and look at a six - foot bank. Because then your pc is, next time is going to be six foot one, and the bank is going to be five feet eleven. Don't you see? You already unsettled this balance. And then he's six foot two and the bank is five feet ten. You see how you're approaching this?

Well, at the time he made up this thing it'd been something on the order of if he went at the speed of a meteor and you hit an asteroid - well, that was a good way to acquire mass! See? About the time he was making this goal up that was his idea of mass, you see. Impact, force - way up there!

So a successful discovery of an item that the pc is permitted to cognite on is marvelous. Your Problems Intensives are absolutely phenomenal because the pc finds out he can confront this later section of his life with equanimity. He discovers that. He discovers he doesn't have to handle it with a crush and a protest and a this and a that and the other way, see? The Problems Intensive is a very good gradient on this sort of thing. But understand, you're not asking him to confront anything very tough.

Well, you want to know what you’re up against in clearing somebody. You're up against a concept of mass and force - relative to their experiences and bad experiences. And there isn't even any name for this. We have randomity, its plus or minus motion, can be tolerated by the individual. And it comes under the heading of randomity. But it would also be an extension of this thing called randomity. It'd be plus or minus force the individual could tolerate, and plus or minus mass.

When you start clearing him by finding items and then finding his goal, you're asking him to confront nice, great big bangs. See? You're asking him to do quite a bit. So as you start on this procedure you should then fully expect to have some trouble. Because you're jumping at one fell jump - you're asking the pc to do something the pc is very doubtful that he can do. His confidence is just about, well, that tone of voice, "Heh - heh. Others can, but I don't know, I - per theory - I can do this perfectly well. There's nothing much to it - you just confront these items in the bank and I could confront almost anything, I guess." But you say, "Who or what would not be part of existence?" Well, that's a long, tall order. Why does he get this reaction?

How much mass is mass? And early on the track he said, "Oh, well, that's a pretty good - sized mass there," and he points to a big planet. "Yeah, that's a nice piece of mest. You know? That's nice. Just about my size!" And we find this same thetan late on the track, and she can handle a bonbon very well. Say, "What's - what's - what's your idea of mass?" and person says, "Ah, that - that bonbon, that's very nice, very nice piece of mass, there." Or a diamond ring - very nice mass.

Well, the pc believes he's being asked to confront more because he's already kind of quasily aware of this spook standing over there, see? And you're saying, "Well, what isn't part of that - what isn’t - what isn’t over there?" Therefore, you're not sure. See? He isn't sure.

Now, if you don’t think people's ideas of mass deteriorate rather rapidly, you should look at the disappearance of solid coinery in the bigger denominations - gold pieces, that sort of thing. That isn't all, it isn't just the scarcity of gold - somebody could have dreamed up something to solve thisI'm sure. But, it's another thing. It's another thing. Do you know that they used to make silver pieces in very outrageously large sizes. I saw one time, I stepped off the plane, to get a breather, I think, in Salisbury. And somebody at the lunch counter was fooling around, I think, with a five - shilling coin. It was an interesting looking coin! It was a monstrous coin. It was very thick, and it was very soft, and it was solid silver, and it was way back from the old days when they used to dig it out of a vein down there, and throw it in the mold, and hope it was legal tender, you know?

Now therefore, if any fumble is connected with clearing, if there's any real fumble, it’ll slow down the process. You might even lose ground that you have to recover. In other words, it might - a badly audited pc is harder to audit than the pc who wasn't audited when it comes up to finding items and goals. Don't you see?

But that was at one time a nice - well it was money! It was valuable, it could buy something. Well obviously it's too much mass, now. That's obviously too much coin. Because that coin - although five shillings doesn’t buy now anything it would have bought then - why the people take two much smaller coins to make up that five shilling, by preference. Don't you see?

Now, he might have become convinced that he had less confront than he thought in the first place. In other words, he slid down in the well. Now, fortuitously ...

You get the deterioration of the monetary idea. Well, you can see this almost anyplace around. There's some signs of this thing.

Well, let me make this one point: that the faster you clear somebody, the easier it is. So you see, one of my efforts forward in all this is not just making it easy so you can do it. I'm making it easier to do by your doing it faster. Don't you see? That's part of it. You take a couple of years to do this job and you're going to have an awful time, if only because of the intervening PTPs.

Now, what's this add up to? It adds up to why you can't immediately, rapidly and right now clear somebody. And why some cases clear easily, and some cases clear hard. And this is the answer to that. I can guarantee this to you, now - that is the answer. It isn't anything else.

So the - interestingly enough, the faster you find a goal, the easier it is to find.

This case has a very - still got a very massy idea of mass, you know? You know, he says, "Well, yeah, a nice piece of mass, you know, a mountain." Well he clears pretty easily, see? But this next case says, "Well, a nice piece of mass - take that dirty coin out of here!" He's inverted on the idea of mass. Can't look at it. Doesn't want to have anything to do with it.

Now, that has only this proviso on it: that your pc has got to be up to confronting some section of the bank where his goal is located. Now, the mind runs with wings of thought through the bank, you see - I mean, a thetan, you know, thought - easy. He can pick thoughts out of this bank, but he cant pick masses out of it. See, you can get the goal long before he can confront any masses - long before this, see, the goal will read. But the goal tends to pull him into areas that make it pretty necessary for him to confront things and so you’ll find the goal easily and then the goal submerges if the pc is already pretty bank - overwhelmed.

Also, it might surprise you, if you haven't thought of it - that the idea of pain as an undesirable commodity - pain as an undesirable commodity is a late idea! Pain is not uniformly an undesirable commodity on the whole track. It is simply another sensation!

It's quite common to find the goal and then have the goal vanish. And it’ll have to be laboriously prepchecked back into position again.

Now, pain tends to increase as an unwanted, feared and undesirable thing as one's concept of mass and force deteriorates. There's a direct relationship between these two things. Well, let me - let me state this properly, mathematically. It's an inverse relation. So the more a person fears pain and shudders away from pain, why, the less mass and force he can tolerate. In other words, this idea of pain.

Now, I can assure you at once that the prepchecking of the goal back into view again is a waste of time if it won't tiger drill in. The best way to get a goal to read is by Prepcheck, but if your Prepcheck is hard or arduous and the goal has gone out easily, you're frankly wasting time. Because somehow or another, either through a little bit of rough piece of auditing or something of the sort, you've already heaved this pc into a tougher spot than he can easily get out of.

Pain is basically a sensation of impact. That's basically what it is. You seldom have pain without having some separation of impact, or collision of impact, or something like that. Pain is most normally in this line. Although pain is a heat - cold - electrical sensation. It is that with which force begins to be greeted as the individual's idea of force deteriorates.

Now, the reason why we're balancing around lines and trying to get lines that are easy, is not to get the pc in deeper than he can confront - that's the problem of lines.

Well, let's take in one lifetime. At the age of sixteen, fast enough is ninety miles an hour. He considers that's pretty good. Ninety miles an hourthat's fine with him. At the age of twenty - five - fifty - five, sixty, that is fast enough - and that's fine with him. Thirty - five on - forty. That's pretty fastthat's fast enough. And about the age of seventy - you get the character who causes all the accidents by going down the middle of the road at fifteen!

Now, your suddenly rising tone arm, which goes up and sticks on a series of listing lines - as you're clearing the pc after you’ve found the goal - is as really a result of his getting too deep to confront it. He's gone a little bit further than he would really care to confront. Now, doing it by Prehav levellisting by Prehav level, gives us this monitoring influence: How deep ean he confront? Well, it reads on the meter, so he can confront that deep.

Now, people may think they want bigger mass, but they tend to compensate for it with slower speed. So there is also a speed - mass ratio of tolerance. You can have a big mass if it goes awful slow. Therefore, you see the fellow in his Cadillac going twenty miles an hour on the turnpike, you know. You see this quite a bit,' you know. Massive car - very tiny speeds, so on. The car would be totally undesirable to him, you see, the speed - mass ratio would be too - have too high a figure if he drove that ear at a proper speed. Thirty - five, forty, fifty - something like this. Ha - ha! That's too much for him, man!

I hated to have to come back to Prehav Scales, but they have been come back to. Because all too often the pc, left on his own with an arbitrary series of lines, will get in deeper than he can confront and then the case stalls and sticks and takes forever to list and you go on and on and on and on and on and on and on, and I finally had to make up my mind that we sacrificed the ease of listing a guy off with no Prehav levels, because it's taking much longer than if we found some Prehav levels to list him on, see? There's no choosing between these two things. You take a series of arbitrary lines - some pcs take so long on these things that it would have been infinitely faster to have found some Prehav levels. Hence, this slump back to Prehav levels. This is how deep can he look in the bank? Well, he can look as deep as this level of doingness.

Also, you get the popularity of small ears and the popularity of scooters, motorbikes - but not motorbikes that go fast, but scooters that go slow. And you find those things are getting - they have a popularity. Well, they may or may not have a practicality - they do furnish transportation at very, very low petrol and gas cost.

Actually, what you’re finally going to run out of the bank is "kill everybody for the hell of it." See? That's what you're going to confront up to - something like that, maybe, it - on this goal, some kind or another. "Just kill everybody for the hell of it." That's going to be his feeling. You're eventually going to get that feeling. And where do you enter it? "Not to talk to anybody with a frown on your face." See, "Don't talk to anybody with a frown on your face, that - it's an overt."

But remember something. You're actually increasing the liability of an impact, see? There's something going astray here, because the percentage of accidents that occur on scooters - I'm not condemning anybody's scooter, I'd just as soon ride scooters. I'd preferably prefer TT Model 650s however - but the deterioration of his idea of what mass is good mass actually puts him in danger, see? So it isn't reasonable. Sense and logic have nothing to do with this. It is simply the concept of how much mass is mass, and how much, and so on - and they will do stupid things!

Well, of course your meter will register talking to people with a frown on your face. Well, he doesn't like that and he knows about it, so he’ll run out talking to people with a frown on their face and then you get some other lower level of other doingness or action of some kind and you’ll get down to being able to run that. But if it shows up on the meter it’ll run, see? If you can get it on the meter, it’ll run. That's your crux of the matter.

And you want to know how stupid they can get? About 400 A.D., the Roman legions - because the armor was too heavy - had ceased to practice with practice armor, which was always heavier. And they have ceased to use practice armor of any kind. It was always heavier than battle armor, don't you see? Nobody could get them to practice with it anymore. And fifty, seventy - five years later - we find these same legions going into battle having thrown away their armor! They're nuts! See. They no longer can strike an accurate blow, and here they don't even defend themselves, don't you see?

Arbitrary lines occasionally will throw a pc in too deep. And an auditor for instance who will take up an engram while listing ought to be shot. Because the engram probably isn't being confronted by the pc anyhow or wouldn't stick there, it'd blow, see? And an auditor suddenly listing and find a great big juicy item that the pc just hints at and following the old theory that we must make the auditor confront and this pc has just hinted at tigers: 'I wonder if I blah - blah small cats, I - I - striped beasts, I - I ... Oh, I - I don't really care to put that item on the list at this time - pussycats, kittens so forth."

So, frankly what happens is - their concept of the stronger higher forces diminishes and disappears. See, it fades out. They no longer have any concept of these forces. These forces are beyond their concept. Well, similarly with pain, an individual readily forgets how much pain, pain can hurt. You know, how much pain can pain be?

Now, the auditor would say, "Well, what were you going over there minute ago?"

You find accident victims very often are surprised as hell at how hard it hurts! See? Well, similarly, they're just surprised as the devil when that much mass occurs. That's too much mass, see. They get the idea. In other words, not only does the ability to experience it deteriorate - but the ability to conceive it deteriorates. So eventually they start doing stupid things.

"I was going over a - I was just - it - just something got very unreal.' Got some sensation of some kind.

See, they’re trying to avoid pain, so they get hurt all the time. That's your accident - prone. They're no longer able to conceive the mass, they're no longer able to conceive the force, and they're always being surprised at the pain. And it doesn't last in their minds any time duration at all, so they get hurt again - and they get . . . And that - sometimes these people will explain to you the chain of circumstances by which they were hurt. And man, it hasn't anything to do with what happened. You stand there with your jaw dropped.

"No, but what - what were you - what were you trying to look at there?'

You've already made a leg up on this before you came to Saint Hill, actually. Because all the time you've been in processing, your tolerance of mass and force has been increasing. And because you can wipe out pain in yourself with an assist, and you've had experiences of this particular kindyour respect for it, and your awe of it is diminishing. Well, you're just climbing back up the scale. So I’m actually talking about something - a route you have been on for some time.

"Well, I just - just - well, it's right, there's something there I really didn't really want to look at."

Now, it'd be just a little bit difficult for you to immediately and directly then, catch up with what the (quote) man in the street, (unquote) has as a concept of pain, force and mass. See? What does he think these things are? What is he willing to handle? What does he conceive of as actual force?

"Well, look at it. What is it?"

Actual mass? See? And so you see him going on doing silly, stupid things. And one of your biggest protests against the world around you is people are doing such stupid, silly things! They're doing very silly things - they do very silly things with force - they do very silly things with mass.

"Well, I - I - I - I'm not sure that I - I. .

You've got an instance right this moment, (although I told Ron I wasn't going to say anything about the world situation), you've got this very moment - and have had for a dozen years or more - oh more than that, twenty years, force which is totally beyond the concept of the world's greatest leaders. You have to say that reverently. But they don't know what they've got their paws on! See?

"What is it? Confront it!"

This you read with amazement how they compare nuclear fission to a hundred - thousand - ton bomb of TNT or something - or sixty - two TNT bombs, or groping around, you see, within something that they can call a textbook, you see, response of World War II. Well that hasn't anything to do with it! Because that force and mass is delivered in a split second. And because it is delivered in such a small moment of time - it has enormous impact valuewhich is upwards through millions of times the impact value of TNT. But, you know, not even in their textbooks have I seen them sort that fact out. They don't adequately sort it out.

Tone arm: wheee! Case jammed.

You see, actually the force increases as the time decreases. Because force is always measured in units of time. So if you have milliseconds of time in which a force is delivered, you see - you can't use force without a reference to time - just that - by definition that's what force is. So, the shorter the time period of the force delivery, why the greater the impact. You see the greater the actual force. I'm using very clumsy words, because force does contain time, don't you see?

He isn't ready for this till day after tomorrow. See? And he’ll go whizzing down the line and he’ll say, "Carnivory, tigers, big tigers, ferocious tigers, tigers that want to get away, tigers that run like hell, tiger skins." You get your gradients of approach as he gets deeper in clearing.

See, you can't say that the smaller amount of time in which that force is delivered, you'd have to say the foot - pounds are delivered, see. You deliver a thousand foot - pounds, you deliver a thousand foot - pounds in an hour, and all you are doing is driving uptown in your car. See? Something like that. And you deliver it in five minutes, and you're probably pushing over a brick wall or something. And you deliver it something on the order of a half a second - You're getting up around naval gunfire. See that's - well that's a thous - that's the same thousand foot - pounds, don't you see? So this distributed out over a period of time becomes confrontable. But as it is reduced in its period of time, becomes unconfrontable.

Now, when we say the entrance lines - not as the playwright would us it, but the entrance question - we've got this pc, the pc's been prepchecked, n goal's been found or a goal has been found but it's gone down with a small bubble left on the surface of the sea. Goal found, something happened, pc had a goal found, the goal, can't get anything to read - that sort of thing. That' the same case as just starting a case down the channel. We have, then, means of putting the pc closer to the goal, masswise and in terms of mental reaction, making him more capable of confronting the goal so his thought can fly around in that zone or area of the bank and pick the goal up again And we have both of these problems. Either picking the goal back up or the other problem of getting him closer to it or pointed in its direction, on making him confront it. These are the same problem. In other words, make the pc more capable of confronting the goal and putting him closer to the goal force him to confront and we do those two operations.

And nuclear fission has done just that. There is no such thing as comparing it to a thousand TNT bombs. Exploded at what frequency? How often? In what mass? Because they don't even go off as fast as nuclear fission. This is very interesting, because they've just totally avoided this whole idea. So they don't know what to do with this. They haven't any idea of what to do with all this force.

And they're done by this series of assessment that we've called Dynamic Assessment by Rock Slam and were calling 3GA Criss Cross, which is better descriptive terminology.

Here's a head of state, and he has these tremendous forces, and these tremendous striking powers, and all that sort of thing - and he says, "Well, go shoot me some gnats." See, do something like that with it. He doesn't know. He's groping. Don't you see?

Since were going to get an opposition terminal that he can confront an then we're going to get a ter - maybe another opposition terminal and the maybe a terminal that he can confront and then maybe another terminal an then maybe an opposition terminal that he ean now confront - and we're just putting him within reach of where this goal is. We're just showing him which direction this is. And the meter will show us because as long as we can go the track of the slam and follow the slam, why, we're fine.

The distribution of this force - what would happen. to it? You'd find all sorts of arguments. They take great - great pat on the back. They pat themselves on the back as realists. They say, "Well, it wouldn't crack earth's crust. lf we exploded a thousand of these things over Russia - it wouldn't do anything much. We hope. We guess." Well, I frankly believe that any time they start using this stuff at any great range, or action, and so forth - I firmly believe that it'd be just exactly like firing a shotgun with the breech halfclosed. The guy firing it is going to get just about as much as anything being shot at. You know, they're up there to a force that they cant live with having released.

We don't care if those first things that he gets as items are highly conceptual. You know, we don't care if his first item - we don't care if his fir item was "dreaming." See? We don't care if his first item was - we're n talking about - talking about items, see? And it's - he didn't get an item all. We got this as an opposition to what he's doing. This is a lot - this is quite up the line.

So that's why you have these brothers around conference tables discussing and arguing. And they're trying to play chess with this stuff, you know? You watch this, you know. Well it isn't that these are great men that know what they're doing - and guiding destinies all properly - it's just that they don't know what game they're in, see? This is going to surprise them! They're going to get a very great surprise! War usually surprises such people.

Then we get to an action. We don't get an item, a solid mass, we get 0 action. See? We get breathing. See, that'd be the action or then we get that an item. It's on his list, so it's an item. Don't think that your item - it's - t reason I don't call them terms and oppterms is because they really don't have mass yet when you go at this gradient. This is a very, very slow gradient. But these things will all rock slam just as though they were - they were big, massy things. You see? And then the fellow has got the idea of pen scratches, see, and finally he gets to the item, and you've got him down the line - you've got an opposition terminal now of a tame horse. See, all these things will slam.

You're wondering whether I think there will be a nuclear war in the next five minutes. Well, I'm not going on a vacation on the second of November. I just looked at the old crystal ball, and it looks sort of explosive up there around the twelfth or thirteenth, so I thought, well, I'll go later. Oh, I don't think they'll do anything very desperate. I'm just giving you an idea. These birds - the forces involved are actually sufficient and adequate - if they had any concept of what they're doing - to bring them at once to a conference table, to arrange to disband the lot! You get the idea?

Slam doesn't mean violence - it means what's the pc up to confronting. Because he's - but - what's he up to confronting, with an effort. Get that? That's a differentiation, see? He can stand still at this point and gaze in spite of the snap, crackle and pop going on around his ears, see? The bank is going zzz - bing - click - prent - tow - pow - ssqqqu - ssss - paawww - blmmp - glmpp - glmpp - glnkk - glnkk. And he ean sort of - you know, it's like a guy walking uphill against a high wind. He feels he ean make it. But unless you get him pointed uphill against the high wind, hell go around and confront things that are too easy to confront. Don't you see? Why, it'd take ten thousand hours of all things he ean confront. The gradient would maybe be thousands of items between, you see, this first point you pick him up and the first item, if you were just doing it on some - some queasy idea, "Well, what can you confront? What would you rather not confront?" See? You're getting him in that direction, but you get a thousand hours of auditing maybe, to get him up to the point of your first item.

Let's take it all down, let's put it in a hole someplace - and make fuel out of it or something - and they'd just be pals, you see, about this whole thing, you know. And, no no, they're playing games with it, you know. "IM shoot you if you shoot me," you know. God! That's crazy, you know? Because leader A fires at leader B, the same shot is going to take leader Xs head off.

You actually find out for him that he can stand there - he actually gave you the items so he must be within reach of them. See? He can stand there in a high electronic breeze, man, and he ean say, "That - that is a soup bone. Ha - ha!" See, feels brave. You know? Great!

- Yeah, I often wonder if they don't think of themselves as the whole world in flames, and the government building untouched. This is marvelous to behold, don't you see? But they're just dealing with greater force than they have any concept of. See, and they're actually - still want to play politics. Well only mad men would do something like that.

Now, you take him from that to the next thing. Well, these happen to be key points on this channel, if they slam. Because realize, that he's approaching closer to the basic center of commotion, which is caused by the basic terminals originated after he made the postulate. See?

I had a good title a few years ago; I was going to write a book: The Madmen in Charge. Never got around to it. But, still may do it. Sounds like it might be an interesting book.

He made this postulate called a goal, and he's actually approaching the core of the situation, and he's walking inward - he isn't blowing outward. And although it's sort of uphill, has a lot of wind around here, he sort of gets the idea a tree's going down every once in a while, you know? House roof just went by. He's sort of queasy about all this and all of a sudden he sees "soup bone" and he's made it. See? Because it was "soup bone" that was causing a lot of commotion. He can stand there and look at "soup bone" and know that it's the source of a tremendous amount of commotion. You get the commotion commoting, but eventually he's located the source.

Washington, by the way, its evacuation plans change every month or so.

It wasn't an evil witch who cast spells with soup bones. See? It was just a soup bone. See, it's actually devaluated at the moment he grasps it and cognites on it. The mystery is gone off of it - it doesn't look so tough to him now, see. He knows now, see? Those are the things that are important.

But, apparently everybody in the Navy Department is supposed to go get their ear in the parking lot and then drive past the entrance to the Navy Department. And then the people in the entrance to the Navy Department are supposed to come out of the entrance and they're supposed to get in these ears, and then they're supposed to go to an area nearby. And then they're supposed to set up something there. I'm not quite sure - I think the plan fades out before they get to this new area. We're going to have a queue of two thousand cars, or five thousand cars, or fifteen thousand ears - strung out in front of the single entrance. Aw, they’d just never make it, that's all.

So, all right. It doesn't matter how you enter, as long as you enter it on a slam. No slam registering on the meter - no electronic windstorms going on. Little dirty needle - probably there's the soup bone to be gazed at and he's standing way over at the side there and he's examining this little green pebble. And he knows the pebble, he's heard of the pebble before, it's a good, safe thing to look at. Or it might very well be that it's a saber - toothed tiger. He's only up to looking at the soup bone. See? And he's got this little bzzzbzzz - occasional dirty needle that goes on and off, you know. And if you said too strongly and violently, "All right, we've assessed it all on down here now to a saber - toothed tiger. Now, why the hell don't you agree that that is your item?" You've added your force and power to the force and power residual in the saber - toothed tiger and you've got a very overwhelmed pc. He goes "Agggg!" Because you let the tiger right in on him. See? A saber - toothed tiger.

This deteriorated, these civil defense plans deteriorated to something very amusing. I think not too long ago, somebody from civil defense headquarters in Washington, from writing books, as to what we were supposed to do - I saw their last set of plans. This is very interesting. They move things from one section of town to another section of town, compared to which section of town was damaged by the bombs. Yeah! And their - the hospital, where they're going to bring all the casualties to is in the middle of town!

He knows it isn’t real. That's one of his basic mechanisms. He's standing there with wide - open mouth and gleaming teeth and he says, "Oh, well, it's a rug." "What do you want me to look at the rug for?" Rrrrr! Protest. "To hell with you." See? That kind of a reaction. Not real. Later on you’ll get sabertoothed tiger and he’ll say, "Yep. Tiger. Well! Tiger, yeah! Yeah. Tiger. Big tiger. Bigger tiger. Going into tiger caves - rugs, tiger rugs, putting tiger whiskers in your gun case for luck. Yeah, lots of uses for tigers. We used to hitch them up to channels back in Pooh - bah Planet." Tell you all about them, see? But at this stage of the game on this assessment, man, he's not up to it, so he tells you it isn't real - it isn't so. You get a little, tiny zzzz. Tiny needle. See?

This is just insane raving, don't you see? I was very much amused at all this, but the denouement of this - having been issued many copies of this from time to time and changing plans, and so forth - why, the last one I heard from FCDC is the civil defense officials had come around and called - I think it was on the Org See - and had asked him if we had any civil defense plans! Did we have any plans? He didn't want them for the town - apparently the policy now is for every organization to have its own plans for civil defense. You get the deterioration into the total individuation of it all, see. Now everybody's supposed to have a separate set of plans. And man, that’ll really look good!

So you either have an item that it wouldn't do him any good if he could confront it, like a green stone, or if he could - if he did see it, by your trickery of auditing, it would be huge and tough and too much for him and he'd shut it right off - just like that. You persuade him to see it and off it goes.

You get around Washington, you know, some of the kids around Washington, they really laugh about this, because they go out along the highway - I think they've taken most of these signs down. I didn’t see them when I was over there last month. I didn't see a one! But I wasn't looking very hard, either. But they used to have signs, and you drive outside the District of Columbia in any direction and it said "In time of national emergency," (or something like this) "this highway will be closed to civilian traffic." Only it was on all highways, and on all roads - on all sides of the district. Marvelous! In other words, they cannot plan in the face of that much force, do you see? They become totally illogical in the face of that much force. There is no planning involved beyond their concept or ability.

That doesn’t mean why your rock slam turns on and off. Your rock slam turns on and off because he's saying, "Well, I'm not sure. Well, I´ll get brave now, I´ll look - look there - aha, I’m not sure about that. Well, I'll lookuhhhh. It's awful murk - ah, well, we shouldn't get into that." You know that's why it is, he's suppressing it and he's protesting and he's doing this and that, and all of a sudden he says, "Soup bone! Aha - ha - ha - ha! Soup bone. There it is." Perfectly comfortable now.

Telephone call this afternoon from the States, somebody remarked that, people are tearing around madly in all directions buying supplies of food and digging holes in the ground and they're having a ball! They're having a ball. Think probably the safest place in the world is probably Washington DC. Probably very safe - because, you see, if their level of confront is that poor - it's very doubtful if anybody will confront Washington or Moscow. Because these'd be the two places you would have to confront to solve the situation. But I don't think the war will ever come up to confronting either place! I think we're in more danger. I think they will probably find out that it was England and South Africa that started the whole Cuban invasion. They'll get something figured out!

Actually at that point, the rock slam that he's confronting must be from something else deeper in the bank. Although you say "soup bone," you've turned his attention toward the center of the bank again and he gets the benefit of the rock slam. But the soup bone now isn't rock slamming. Even though a soup bone now turns on a rock slam - follow me closely - soup bone turns on a rock slam and you’ll find that pcs very often get haunted by slamming items you haven't found yet. This is the bane of the auditor. This is when you should take out your insurance that doesn't refuse to pay off in the event of suicide or something. Because that's mean, man.

Therefore, you are baffled very often at somebody's approach to his (quote) "Problems," in life. What he will do as a solution to his Problemsand how this sounds logical to this person, you don't dig, see. You listen to him, you hear words - but it doesn't make any sense! Now, let's see, if he just sends his wife, who's forty, to the university and if he himself will take up skindiving, why, somehow his overdraft at the bank will all work out. And man, you’ll hear some wild ones! Now, what's the matter with this guy? Well, his problems contain force. And he cannot confront either using or receiving that much force, so he simply neglects it.

You start getting the pc that every time the pc has the slightest withhold, has not told you all and you get a wide slam, you’re going to find nothing but item after wrong item after wrong item after wrong item after wrong item.

Now it's this factor alone, on which the governments of the world are constructed today - that people cannot conceive force. You realize, if you break the law flagrantly in any large country - you realize that the entirety of the army, the navy, the air force, and the whole police, the entire judiciary, and through newspapers and so forth, public opinion, meaning the rest of the population - can be totally turned against a single individual. You realize it's rigged that way? Well how could it possibly get rigged that way? It's because nobody conceives that it's rigged that way. They say, "Well, I have the power of vote, and I am a free citizen," and you go on hearing these yap, yap, yaps, see. And then all of a sudden this individual says, "No! I won't pay any taxes." Well man, they make short work out of that!

There's going to be no cognitions to amount to anything or the pc is cogniting and the pc feels all happy about it and is trying to please you, you know? Pc, though, is getting no better and no slams and you just apparently find goals forever. Till you finally, knucklehead, get smart enough to go back to your last reliable item. What was the last reliable item? Well, you have to sort out the items you've found by "What wouldn't you give to a 299 on each item. And find out if they turn on a slam and if the item doesn't turn on a slam, then it wasn't an item even though it slammed when it did.

Well, what if this individual got themselves a machine gun emplacement and sat down and spoke back in kind? What do you think would happen? And then supposing he got two or three other means of defense and got a defense in depth, and so forth? How much troops do you think would eventually be piled up against this individual before he finally surrendered? It would be the whole force of the country, wouldn't it? Well, every citizen in a country is versus the force of that country. This is not democracy - this is just blindness. Who ever got around to figuring out a form of government like that? It has no freedom involved, it's just an overwhelm - a total overwhelm.

In other words, you can be fooled by a lurking item that the pc has not confronted but is straight in front of his face. And it’ll - every time he picks up the slightest withhold, didn't tell you that he actually was uncomfortable with his legs crossed, at that moment you’re reading "fisherman."

Ireland didn't quite buy this. Ireland had an interesting thing and - in its government. You can sue personally any individual in the government who does anything you don't like. Now, of course, that rather returns it to a democratic process. Cop gives you a parking ticket, honest! He's just in trouble if he doesn’t have witnesses. Because he can't enforce the collection or the fining of that ticket if you contest it. Because you could sue him for the full value of the fine if you won your case. You don’t get a very militant police force this way. They're more angry than otherwise. But all right.

You say "fisherman. The pc says, "Well, my legs aren’t very comfortable," and you get slam - slam - slam - slam - slam - slam - slam, and you say, "Boy, look at that - look at that rock slam. Ho - ho - ho! That's a nice rock slam." And you get the next item or two and you think the rock slam is merely persisted. And then the pc gets a little bit of withhold or like he says, "I wish I had a drink of water," and at that moment you're reading "A man - at - arms." So it goes slam - slam - slam - slam - slam - slam - slam - slam. Then you go back and reassess the list and you can’t find any slams on it. You tiger drill "fisherman," you can’t find anything. You tiger drill "man - at - arms," you can’t find anything.

In Washington, this might theoretically apply, but in Washington you should realize that about seventy - five warrants a week are requested of the federal district courts against government officials for nonconstitutional and illegal acts in the performance of their duty. Just about seventy - five a week are requested by the public in that one area of Washington. And to date, the district court has never issued one. They simply refuse to issue. It just stops right there. They just blanketly refuse to issue those warrants.

What happened? Well, those are known as false items. They're slamming because the p - they're charged up enough to make a rock slam on the part of the pc´s actual item show up on them if he gets a withhold at the same time they're read. You follow that?

That means if a government official came in, pulled out a gun, killed everybody dead in the house - this is the ne plus ultra on the thing - and some relative wanted him indicted for murder, it wouldn't happen. That is the government of Russia today. So you see how governments deteriorate? That's not the government of the US or England today - but it's the government of another country today. They do walk in and kill everybody in the house every now and then, and drag somebody off to prison. Nobody ever hears of them again. And there's no recourse. Nobody can say a word. You have to - in England and the United States, we generally keep a propaganda fan going of some kind or another. It's just propaganda. It's just talk - against the official. We back him down. We back him down. We always got to keep him more or less convinced that he hasn’t got any rights. See? You've got to keep snarling. You got to make him trouble. See, you've got to do this, you got to do that. The English have got this down to a fine art!

A real item slams - there's a very easy rule on this - a real item slams when the rudiments are thoroughly in. And a real item will always - Can always be coaxed to slam again, within reason, in the same session. You ean coax the slam back in the same session. A false item slams only when the rudiments are out. If the rudiments are wildly out, why, the false item will slam some more. If the rudiments are then put in, it doesn’t slam. See?

That's how you keep a government from finally caving in and falling all over you, you see, and dragging you off in the middle of the night, see. But the truth of the matter is there's absolutely nothing that restrains them from doing it, except tradition. Rather thin stuff, tradition, isn't it? Yes, when I'm faced with machine guns and cannon and troops with fixed bayonets - there's nothing like having only tradition to hold my position I always say. It's so thick - so protective.

A real slamming item slams only when the rudiments are in. There's not a ghost of, "don't knows" or "Failed to reveals" in the session or on the item.

Every once in a while, though, you hear of somebody getting very satisfactory - a very satisfactory bang out of dying like a hero for his country on the gallows, or for the people, or something like that. Well, I want to point something out to you - he died on the gallows. Cost him a body to make that remark. And at one body per remark, it gets expensive!

And it's for that reason that the exact, proper procedure for nulling a list is asking the pc the auditing question that you're going to ask him, "Who or what , " and making your list of his answers, and then nulling it down to the last three - sometimes you can´t cut it that close and it's the last four - and you suddenly notice that you're down that low and taking your last three or four items, and then taking them one at a time, and thoroughly tiger drilling them. Tiger drill each one - Big Tiger, see - tiger drill them hard, man. Oh, yes. Work those things over. Coax them, man, because it may be in with the tiniest, little tsk that disappears too, as you're tiger drilling and you say, "Oh, there's nothing left on this item." Then you ask just that one more question and all of a sudden it ticks again. And you ask one more question. Then you get bright. And you say, "In this session, have you protested anything?"

Well, there I've pointed out to you on upper dynamics the decline of force till force becomes invisible to the person. He doesn't recognize that the force is there. Well, as an individual goes on from the time of the goal through the Rock area and the opposing masses, and he's terminals, and he's faced with oppterms - and all this gets crushed in and the counter - forces and that sort of thing - the whole thing eventually vanishes. He can't see any part of it anymore. He doesn't even know it's there. See? It doesn't exist! And you tell him to try to confront it and he flinches. Well, it's interesting that he flinches from nothing.

"Yes, I'm protesting you using all of these rudiments and that sort of thing, because they all seem to me to be very silly."

The modern psychologist can give you a very good example of this. He says there's no such thing as a mental image picture. Occasionally you’ll run across in his text some mention of it. I ran across a mention of it one time, and he said children and morons sometimes have them. Yeah, that's fascinating! The man is below observing them. He's never observed them professionally until its walked into his science, see, as a fact, that they don't exist.

"Well, what are you doing? What are you doing?"

I preserved carefully the last copy off the publishing company’s line - it was the textbook on psychology for the University of Chicago, I think. And it moved off of the assembly bookbinding line - as the first copy of Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health moved off that line. See? The last copy of that run was followed by the first copy of Dianetics: Modern Science of Mental Health. I picked the book off and said to the publisher - (the binding was not well pressed or anything), and I picked this psychology textbook off, (actually it was, right on the assembly lines, on the belt, you know) - and I picked it off and I said to the publisher, "Look, let me have this, will you?" I said, "Because after this they're going to be writing this book into their newer texts, and I want to know what exactly psychology was." And he said, "Oh, yeah! Well, you can have a copy of it, Ron." So I kept it. And I've still got it.

"Well, of course, each time you start to tiger drill, I'm just hoping they won't be in. I’m postulating they will not now be in."

It's rather fascinating. Because in the last twelve years they have taken different looks at things - and they have discovered all sorts of thingsprenatal influences, and that sort of thing, and they will discover more and more as time goes on. But what does it depend on, that series of discoveries? An improvement of their own ability to look. So you get them to confront a little bit more and a little bit more - and they can't confront what you can confront - but they can confront a little bit more, don't you see?

You get all these little things sorted out and little minor casualties that you have and you get them all sorted out, and all of a sudden you look at that item and it goes slam - slam - slam - slam - slam - slam - slam - slam - like crazy, see? And then the pc, all of a sudden, gets a "Failed to reveal." It stops slamming.

Well, their gradient scale of confront is what you are up against, in handling any pc toward clearing. And isn't enough to just tell him confront it and confront it and confront it and confront it and confront it - because every now and then you tell him to confront it and something knocks his silly head off - and he knows better next time. Because you’ve pushed him into an area of too much force. Too much mass, too much force, it's getting too real to him. And he backs out.

You say, "What's the matter?"

So the study of clearing - now that one knows the mechanics of clearing, and what the bank apparently contains and looks like - brings us to the realization - not to the startling new data, but it brings us to the realization that a gradient scale of confronting is the only way we ever clear anybody. The improvement, of the ability of the pc to confront then becomes a very pertinent point in clearing. And that too cannot be done directly, because you have to find out what he can confront.

Pc says, "Well, I was looking at it in your magnifying glass. I was watching and I didn't tell you, but I was looking at it, heh - heh, the reflection in your magnifying glass. It was slamming a little bit, wasn't it?"

And fortunately if you - if you just asked him to confront, and confront something more, and confront something more, why he, theoretically, you see, would come up with his goal in the end, and he would be Clear, and so forth. But let me point out to you, this has never happened, and it's never likely to happen because there's already too much there for him to confront. See, he's already above the confront level.

You say, "All right, thank you very much." And you say, "Tiger." Slamslam - slam - slam - no slam. What happened? Well, actually what happened mentally with the pc, the pc is sort of - they got - you know, they remind you of putting a periscope around the doorjamb to look into the place, you know and then they get - they get brave enough, see - they get brave enough to eventually stick one eye around the doorjamb and then they get brave enough to open the door a little bit wider. You eventually got them - get them brave enough to walk in the room. See? And every time they get unbrave, they suppress, they protest, they don't want to look at it again and so forth.

So this meter or any variety of meter gives you - this is what this meter does, oddly enough, that does - it's unsuspected by you unless at least you take a look at it - it gives you the highest, toughest confront that the pc is capable of at that given moment. And it's a measurement of confronting.

So a real item goes off when the rudiments go out. A false item is lurking around. Let's say you bypassed an item. You should have found item 3 and you just didn't find item 3. Instead of that, you went off on a wild tear, did something very unusual, picked one off of the hat, got one off of the beginning goals - this is a mistake I made the other day and wasted about an hour and a half of auditing - get one off the goals of the session. Slam - slamslam - slam. My God! I looked this over as to reasons one couldn't get Clear and all that sort of thing. The second I got the rudiments in, it all blew up. It was the real item slamming. The real item was slamming. But neither the pc nor I could have told what the real item was at that particular time.

So if it took you ten thousand hours on gradient scale of confronting to clear somebody - you wouldn't but, let's say that you did - just ran some confront process for ten thousand hours, maybe you'd get a Clear. Who knows?

The real item required the pc to sit quietly. So every time the pc sat quietly, the real item turned on. So if the pc was sitting quietly while giving me the goals of the ses - you know, consciously sitting quietly, while giving me the goals of the session, I'd get a slam. Got the idea? Real cute.

This, to make clearing factual and fast within reason - so that you get it done now and then and once in a while - you’ve got to be able to pick up the highest level of confront that the individual is capable of, repetitively. In other words, you’ve got to give him everything he can confront right now. And then everything he can confront right now. And then everything he can now confront right now. Got the idea? And his confronting has got to be beefed up and improved to that degree. And a meter selects out for you, the auditor, to find something the pc can confront.

This is your problem. This is your - your problem is, that if the pc is sitting in a real item and you've monkeyed around with it and brought it up to maybe - you've found one and you've found two - you should have found three, but you didn't. Then three is liable to linger around and trigger every time the pc has a withhold from you. This should happen to you. See?

And oddly enough - this is just luck on our part - we have an instrument which leads us straight down this channel without any divergences, by giving us the mostest he can confront now. Now the most he can confront now. Now the most he can confront now, see? And by these great big bites of increased confront, he gets over the idea that he can't confront. He actually would confront no more than you can find reading on the meter - he´ll confront no more than you can find on a meter.

The exact procedure, then, is to ask the pc the proper question, list that thing out till the pc says, "No, there are no more." Get your mid rudiments in. Ask the question to see if you get a bang on the meter at the question being asked - see if it instant reads, the question. If it does, make the pc list some more, get on down to a point where you can get the mid ruds in and get no reaction on the question itself on the meter. When this occurs, be very happy that you've got a complete list or total rudiments out. You can always be certain about these things.

If you can´t find it on the meter, there are only two reasons why you can't find it on the meter - and the first reason is, he can't confront it - and the second reason, could be, that you just haven't found it. In other words you didn't get anything on the meter, so of course he can´t confront anything on the meter.

Now, having gotten that, you go back and null the list with an appropriate question. The questions are not all the same questions for all the same lists, so let's not say the question at this point. Null it down to the last three or four items left in - that's by elimination - and its instant read, very sloppy, loose instant read, you know? It ean happen before, it ean even happen afterwards - if it disturbs the needle. lf you're trying to do a pc on a dirty needle, you ought to be spanked.

Every once in a while you´ll be busily clearing somebody, and, suddenly you’ll see that thing go slam, slam, slam.' slam.' slam! You're running lines, see? And you’ll see it go slam, slam, slam, slam! slam, slam, slam, slam! And you sit there and utter the command, one of two things happen - either the slam dwindles, or it vanishes. Now, if it dwindles, all right. If it just vanishes, you ask the pc what'd you do? He says, "Well, heh, hah - heh - heh - hah was a little bit too hot for me, ha! Oh, I’m sorry, I backed out of that!" See, they didn't know what they were getting into, and it made them nervy, and they backed out.

You've got to clean that needle up. That needle's got to be a nice, beautiful, smooth flow before you do any list. And that puts an awful burden on you because the pc is under very heavy agitation during this whole time. The pc just stops talking to you for a moment and says, "Well, I won't disturb the auditor," and you get a dirty needle. See? One of the ways of getting around that is "Did you want to say anything?" you know, and don't try to keep your mid ruds in.

Now, that doesn’t mean that they won't go back there, or won't mean that your commands and so forth, just ordinary process of doing lines, won't bring them back into the channel again. But what is this slam, slam, slam, slam, slam you see on the meter? Actually, it is force hitting motionlessness. There's a motionlessness in the bank that is being impinged upon by forces. And the direction of flow, back and forth, and motion of particles in the vicinity of that motionlessness apparently is what gives you the phenomenon of a rock slam. In other words it's something that's changing polarities at such great speed - from plus to minus, and back and forth, and so forth - that it causes direction of potential changes, and so forth. So the meter doesn’t know what it's measuring and it's measuring high - low - medium - high - low - medium - high - lowmedium, see? And it’ll go badada - badada - dadada - dadada - dadada, see?

You see, your - I mean, just don't keep punishing the pc with mid ruds or something like that. Be more graceful about the whole thing. And here the needle was free and smooth and you say, "To shoot redcoats. To shoot redcoats," you know? Something like this, we don't care what you were saying. "Consider committing overts against redcoats," is the way you would interpret it right this minute, until I'm going to tell you this other. And it's very beautiful, and you read this and you leave it. It read instantly, you left it in, you left it, and then all of a sudden, you're looking at this needle pattern, you know? And you can't read through it and what the hell.

You could say that you're coming down the exact meeting points of the terminal and oppterm. You're measuring their exact collision points. So that's where you'd have maximal force with minimal motion of the obstacles. So these things start flying apart when you start disturbing this balance of potential between the two of them. And you eventually get down, blow the Rock, and - you hear the Rock go kind of... It’ll go - I don't mean that, actually. The pc says, "Something went!" you know.

And if you start chanting at the pc every time this occurs, if this is the type of pc you're auditing, "In this session, is there anything been invalidated? All right, in this session, is there anything been suppressed? In this session, has anything been protested? In this session. . ." so on, every time you get a dirty needle, I tell you, on some pcs you're not going to be doing anything but sitting in session and saying, "In this session. .." on and on and on and on and on, see?

Once in a while, a couple of pieces of something goes, and you get fooled. One dumbbell goes, well, that wasn't the Rock, see. There’ll be another one blow and there’ll be these other things happen. But he gets on down below, and he finally hits his goal, and bang, it goes clear, and it goes kind of pop and there it was and that was why I made up my mind, and gee - whiz. Give him a bit of a Prepcheck, get rid of the fragments, and that's that, he's Clear. You never do it without following them down the line on a meter, and you'd never do it without the maximal speed of improving his ability to confront. That has to be steep. As I say, if you just took it, at a slow poke, you might be ten thousand hours in the process before you made it. But you hit it on the high line, you come right straight down the rock slam channel, it goes right on down to the Rock, the Rock and opprock, and you've all of a sudden have got it the whole way, you're down to basic, that blows, the rest of it tends to fly apart and that is that.

There's a smoother way of getting around this. "Did you want to say something?" You get over - you're sort of hypnotizing the pc into believing he didn't have a withhold, see? "You want to say something? Did you want to say something?"

You understand now, why this is important? And what you're doing actually in clearing, of course this is - I give you this mainly as a allegory, and so forth. But actually, that's a pretty accurate graphing of the way it is. Under that will lie another package and another GPM.

”No. Oh, yes! Yes. I thought of redcoats. I thought - ha - ha! That couldn’t be my item!"

Somebody said to me, "Why don't you run the assertion that goes just before the goal?" He didn't realize he was saying, "Why don't you run the second goal you're going to find on the pc before you run the first goal you find on the pc?" Why doesn't the second goal register? Ha - ha! It can't! How can it? The guy's confront isn't up to seeing the first goal. Well, the second goal is just that much stronger and that much bigger. So you have to run the goals off by a gradient of confront - and you run down to these rocks by a gradient of confront. You understand then?

You say, "Good," and you go down three later and you’ve got "tiger," and you read, "Consider committing overts against a tiger." It read very nicely, you know? Very fine. You mark it in. Go on to the next one, 44 waterbucks." You know, "Consider committing overts on a waterbuck." Yeah, they're very often same list, wrong side, you know, the pc mixing up the terminal and oppterm. And you say - you say, "Consider committing ov - . What the hell was that?" See? "Co - co - In this session, has anything been suppressed? In this session, has anything you have been careful of? In this session, has anything been invalidated? In this session - in this session - nyah - nyah . . ." Of course your pc's going to start protesting - going to start protesting the mid ruds.

So you got a whole series of these things, one after the other, of these whole maps of a GPM, see. And eventually, when you get to that, you’ll just raise the level of confront all out of proportion. That's why your pc gets to feeling better, why your pc looks better, so forth. The pc is much more capable of confronting force, much more capable of withstanding pain, and much more capable of observing and conceiving mass. Okay?

Graceful thing to say is, "Did you want to say something there?" He didn't want to say anything - he thought something, see? If you ask him, "Did you think something?”. " why, you get a slightly different response. But if you say something like "Did you want to say something?" You get something on this order: the pc will say, "No." That's true, too. He didn't want to say anything. "Oh, well, I thought - I thought that that couldn't be my item. That - that's - that's too late on the track. That's much too late on the track and I thought there for a minute that you looked kind of cross at me. That's that's what I thought."

Audience: Mm - hm.

And you say, "Good," and your needle cleans up again and you can carry on. Got the idea? But don't you ever try to do any of this with a dirtied - up needle, man. You get your auditor presence up so smooth that you can put that needle back in smooth. Put it in smooth gear, man - put it in smooth gear.

Thank you!

And you try to get somebody, and the pc says, "Oh, that's my heart beating." You know, tick - tick - tick, the needle's going. Sure it's their heart beating! But what the hell is their heart doing cooked up, connected to the E - Meter? Takes a withhold - takes a withhold or a Protest or an Assert or a Mistake or a Suggest or an Invalidate or a Suppress to make that - or Careful of - to make that needle register a heartbeat. Don't forget it.

Pcs don’t have needle patterns. Pcs have out - rudiments. So his rudiments have been out for the last couple of hundred years. Well get them in, man, get them in! But learn to get them in smoothly, not abusing and bumping the pc around about them.

All right, now, let's go just a little bit further here. That's your right procedure for getting those things in. And by the way, don't give up on one because it reads faintly, because it's liable to bloom into the most gorgeous rock slam you ever saw in your life. Be wary of those that rock slam and then they don't rock slam and you haven't done anything. And neither has the pc, apparently. And you can't find any rock slam and then you clean them up and there's no rock slam of any kind whatsoever. Well, they were rocks you - it's a missing item. There's something missing here and the pc just keying it in. And at the moment that item keys in, if the pc has a withhold at that exact instant, it rock slams. Don't you see? That's a floating item. It no longer registers the moment you get the rudiments in.

So a real - a reliable item is one which registers with the rudiments in and man, that is a very severe definition. Well, that's how you do this.

Now your main problem, is how do you turn on a rock slam in the first place? And this is an experimental licking of that problem. I have learned, through a great deal - you know, I have been auditing my brain to the bone here, lately, and I finally found out that with - that "oppose" and "overts" are sometimes too strong and sometimes too weak for the pc and so you overshoot the item. This item would not commit overts against tigers. This item would go back in the brush, get under a bush and natter plaintively about tigers. And that's not directly committing an overt on a tiger while actually being an overt on a tiger, but it won't rock slam or answer up on the word “overt”. It’ll answer up on "natter."

And so we move into some use for the Secondary Scales of last year. Two Secondary Scales: One is scale number 21: the Secondary Scale of Withhold and scale number 16: the Secondary Scale of Overts. This is a long, arduous, gruesomely long scale, this Overt Scale, and would undoubtedly be able to shorten it down, but these scales do exist at this exact instant and you're indebted to these Secondary Scales - to have these.

Now strangely enough, there would be another way of entering this whole thing - is just to do a Prehav Assessment on the pc, find out where he wound up and then do that Secondary Scale on the pc. There is that method of handling this. But look, look: rock slam is peculiarly withholding and peculiarly committing action. It's peculiarly a withhold and peculiarly an action. It is action. Now, I don't think, and I'm speaking experimentally, that we have to go to the lengths of doing a Prehav Assessment and then finding its Secondary Scale and moving into the Secondary Scale and doing some kind of an assessment, or balling it up in some way. It is my concept from what I have seen, which is not very much of this yet, to merely do an Overt Scale, because you're looking for the overt terminal - and oddly enough, the Withhold Scale, because these terminals are also withhold terminals.

And the case that won't slam, and you could just drive yourself to drink trying to make this case slam, is just a superwithhold ease. You have a hell of a time making this ease slam, man. You get down and uhhh! Well, the terminal they're sitting on, terminal number one, and it - by the way, the only one that is available is number one. There aren't 865 terminals available. There's only one that will slam first crack out of the box. Discouraging, isn't it? Actually not, because you can locate that one and maybe that is a withholdy - type terminal.

So if your pc consistently and continually doesn't have anything to say and never does anything to anybody, you possibly - you possibly could pick it up with the Withhold Scale much more easily than you could the Overt Scale. Because the withhold is the overt. Follow that?. But oddly enough, anything that will flash on overts will also flash on withholds.

Now, supposing you've got a lot of items on the pc and sometimes they turned on and sometimes they didn't turn on and actually you don't know if it was the rudiments in or the rudiments out that was giving you these items and all that sort of thing. Well, just sit down and make yourself a short list on each item and see if you turn up a slam of "What wouldn't you give that item?" That is a proving action. You say, "What wouldn't you give that item?" - you get the same slam. You’ll at least get a - get some of the slam back. But items that won't slam on that particular action aren't items. They're false items - items that have been made to slam because some other session condition was present. See? Pc had a withhold. See, they're not actually the item. You couldn't get anything off of them. It drives you batty trying to get something off of them.

All right. Now, one of the ways of going about this, to find the entrance point of the pc, is, you just got a pc, you see, and you got a meter, and you know how to audit, and how the devil do you pick up the first rock slam? Well, here is a way to do it. There are many ways to do this. One is to just ask him ask him for somebody he detests and he gives you that and you notice that slams and then you check that one out and then you ask him for, well, what does that person represent? and so forth. And he gives you that and that slams and that checks out and then you ask him for what would oppose that, because it seems to be a very overt terminal. And it gets a slam, and all of a sudden you see that it kind of rocket reads, too, and you say, "All right, well what..." you haven't got much time that day and you simply say, "What - if you were part of that, what goal of yours would be imp - were impossible to achieve?” On the second item or on the third item you just say, "Well, what goal would this waterbuck have? What goal would the waterbuck have?" and the pc says, "To - to go on a spree." Rocket read, rocket read, rocket read, rocket read, see? "To go on a spree, to go on a spree, to go on a spree," and "on this, has anything been suppressed?" and nothing's been suppressed. Everything is all clean and so forth - the rocket read, you know - there it is: bang, bang, bang, bang, "to go on a spree," that's the pc's goal and that's it. And that's an hour and eighty - five minutes from the beginning of the first session, see?

But don't forget that there are lots of pcs like that. And you, operating with altitude, will very often land square on your feet.

Next pc that sits down is going to go ninety - nine hours to goal. Ha - ha. With the very best and most arduous item - finding you ever did in your life. What's the matter with this pc? Pc won't slam because the pc slams on everything because the pc is everything, because the pc is the item that does slam. That's one type of pc. I haven't met him yet, but I imagine he exists. He exists only in theory. He slams on everything you mention. I haven’t met him yet. You've got to find out what he's slamming on in particular. I haven’t met him, but I can imagine he will exist. I simply predict somebody will run into him someday.

Now, that'd be your total - overt pc. And then your pc who isn't saying very much, being very quiet, isn't answering up either - mostly protesting what you say. And you're not going to find anything fast. And you after a while will just be able to ask the pc a few questions in the rudiments and the pc, well, "What have you done?"

The pc says, "Well, ah, oh, uhmmm . Fifteen minutes later, they still haven't answered the question. Well, you better ask it on the Withhold Scale, see? You’ll learn to estimate your pcs this way.

We just do a plain Assessment by Elimination on something like the Withhold Secondary Scale, scale 21, on that quiet pc. You take what you’ve got, and then you say, "Who or what would (whatever it found)?" You'd have to put somebody or something after it to make it make sense sometimes. "Who or what would chain somebody or something?" So you did an assessment of the scale and you came up with the type of withhold is "chain." And they'll give you the item and it’ll rock slam.

All right - or you start over here on the Overt Scale and you just run down - do an Assessment by Elimination of the Overt Scale. When you get down to the end you've got one line in, you've got one level in, just by instant read, don't you see? No trimmings. You don't have to say "Would you," or "Would the item," or something like that. You get on down to the end and you find out that "thieve," "thieve" is it. "Who or what would thieve?" And the pc says, "A roff and a rauff and rrrof and a roff and a roff and a roff and a roff," and you finally get "magpie." Slams like mad. Get the idea?

Well, we can improve these scales and improve on the line, but that is by moving right into the middle of all this. Now, how about the next item? How about the next item? You could use exactly the same system. Don't you see? The same system that's adaptable to the next item that you find. You want to know "Who or what would withhold from a magpie?" Seems to be very quiet on this one. Or "Who or what represents a magpie?" is just your standard response. But a magpie being a chattery overt sort itself and so forth, would probably be something that's opposed. But you don't ask for who or what would commit overts or who or what would oppose a magpie, you'd want to know "Who or what would (Overt Scale) on the magpie?" And the funny part of it is if you - I think if you just do it straight by elimination you’ll come up with the right answer. You don't have to say magpie or anything else. Then you do a list of "Who or what would wound a magpie?" He almost gives it to you at once. "Small boy," slams - there it is. Got the idea? Get this method of sorting it out? Not depending on the broad term of overt, "commit overts on," or something like this.

So all the way down the line, as you did that resulting list, which is made "Who or what would wound a magpie?" you say, "Would a - would a cat wound a magpie? Would a small boy wound a magpie?" or any other way you want to do it and it’ll pick up the slam. Or you just do that one by elimination if it's a terminals list, just - almost the way you - you just did your list of items and you get the last four, tiger drill those and then test them. "Would a cat wound a magpie?" slam - slam - slam - slam - slam. "Would a cat wound things?" slam - slam - slam. This isn't slamming on magpie - it's slamming on that cat. "Cat," slam - slam - slam. "Cat" - you know, there you are. Now all of a sudden that disappears. "Small boy," and the whole read settles on "small boy" and freezes in, but it's a small boy would "wound" a magpie, not "commit overts" on a magpie.

The more particularized a case is, the tougher it is to find the entrance point. In other words, the case is more - is very differentiative in ideas on this and you don't get a broad - a broad class of anything slamming. It has to be quite particular. We have these two scales in existence - I'll turn them over, by the way, to your Auditing Supervisor. We have some more of these scales. I will be making up a more suitable scale from these old scales and we will see how this thing goes. But you get the idea how this is done? Rather simple.

Assessment by Elimination is the way this could be done, and you - I think you will - my guess is you’ll be seeing slams you never saw before on pcs and seeing them faster. Doesn't take any time to do - for instance a Withhold Scale on a pc and then "Who or what would 93 see, whatever it was. "Who or what would cache things?" - C - A - C - H - E, see? And he gives them to you and the item will be on it.

See, you've assessed to find the zone of the item, then you assessed to find the item by rock slam and you've got it made from there on. Got the idea? All right.

Well, we're moving in to easier, faster - I want to set YOU up so that you ean find a pc´s goal in a morning; see, in a morning of auditing. If I can get that, that is an extreme, man. That's an extreme. But if I ean set you up so that you ean do that, I will be very, very happy indeed, and go take a vacation. So make some headway, will you? I need a vacation!

Thank you very much.

Good night.